After the success of Territory’s on-set screens for Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers: Age of Ultron and Captain America Winter Soldier, me and the Territory team once again joined forces with production designer Charles Wood’s team.
Briefed to reimagine the UI for Star Lord’s new spaceship and update the Avengers Compound, Territory’s San Francisco team supported the Russo brothers’ vision for the third film in the Avengers franchise.
With a fresh approach to the UI in Quill’s new spacecraft, Territory’s team framed organic and abstract 3D elements within a vibrant colour palette, suggesting a more advanced ship, and supporting action and performance in the cockpit, midship and gun wells.
In evolving UI for the Avengers Compound, the studio riffed on previous work for Avengers: Age of Ultron.
Creating 100 animated screens across the Guardian’s spaceship and the Avengers Compound, Territory worked closely with the playback team on-set, also delivering assets to post.